Archive for the ‘tmfk’ Tag


If there’s one thing that god wants, it’s for us to post a shitload of tracks this day, a Friday, so you can fulfill your destiny of playing a good set at clubs if you are a dj or maybe you can use this music to impress some one of the opposite or same sex to sleep with you if you do not jockey discs. Either way, this is gonna help you step up your game. So why are you still on this page, you should be clicking after the jump to grab tunes! GO FUCKING GRAB SOME HOT FUCKING BASS MUSIC AFTER THE JUMP FUCKTARDS!

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WEDNESDAY BONUS BASS!   Leave a comment

So it’s been a moombah (also known as moom moom)  fuckfest this week. Lots of new shit. But there is other great shit in other genres that we have had to ignore. So this is the time we are posting that shit. A person cannot live off moombahton alone. You would be going to slow. You would be late all the time. But you would still not be relaxed because you would still be going faster than rap or other bass musics. So let’s grab thos fucking tunes and pretend we have a wide spectrum of tastes beyond moombah based musics AFTER THE FUCKING JUMP!

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Yeah. At fucking work. Drank to many beers last night. Feel like fucking throwing up on the keyboard at this fucking computer. Don’t even know why this fucking picture is here. Just thought you wanted to know that a clean fucking restroom makes people fucking happy. If the restroom is dirty are people more likely to puke? Do people prefer to puke in clean restrooms like fucking royalty and shit? Are you too good for a dirty restroom? would you still shit in a dirty restroom if it meant either doing it in your pants or doing it there? Why do you think you’re so important? Relax. Just listen to these fucking songs AFTER THE FUCKING JUMP FUcKERS!

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